Alopecia Connection
Join Frank and Tommy as they share their experiences with alopecia and interview other members of the alopecia community. Connection is everything!
Alopecia Connection
39. TED Talks with Laura Mathias! (Part 2)
Episode 39- TED Talks with Laura Mathias! (Part 2)
"Finding those organizations was one thing, but actually lending my voice straight away to kind of the wider cause, that has become my support. Meeting those people and giving myself that volunteer role, has also been how I... have healed and come to terms with everything."
On this episode of Alopecia Connection, we're excited to bring part 2 of our chat with Laura Mathias. She's a U.K. based activist, Alopecia U.K. volunteer, ambassador, model, and influencer who shines a light on visible differences and acceptance through her alopecia journey.
Laura recently hit a big milestone by giving a TED Talk in London, where she shared the impact of her journey and the importance of celebrating differences.
Connect with Laura and hear her TED Talk!
Instagram: @relightalopecia
Linktree: RelightAlopecia
Laura's TED Talk
Connection is everything!
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*Discussions on Alopecia Connection are from the personal perspectives and experiences of its host and guests, and should be considered that. Any personal medical decisions should only be made after consultation with one's health care provider.